What Is UIAutomationCore.dll
The UIAutomationCore.dll is a file developed by Microsoft Corporation and is used for Microsoft UI Automation Core.
Reading time:- 2:41 min
Page Views:- 115
Common UIAutomationCore.dll missing errors
- The UIAutomationCore.dll file was not found.
- There was a problem running the application because UIAutomationCore.dll is missing from your computer.
- Unable to find the UIAutomationCore.dll file.
- Violation in UIAutomationCore.dll file.
- Unable to load UIAutomationCore.dll.
- We are facing a problem starting UIAutomationCore.dll and being unable to locate the related module.
- UIAutomationCore.dll has crashed.
- UIAutomationCore.dll registry error.
- UIAutomationCore.dll seems to be missing or corrupted.
- Access Violation in the specified DLL.
Page Id:- 74312
Version:- 7.2.17763.1
Available for:- Windows 10,Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista,Windows XP, Windows 11 and 2000 (and others)
Date Added:- 24-May-2023
File Size:- 2.49 MB
SHA-1 Hash :- 156b1ec8ecaea739942bef75d88c7ef656b0c4e7
MD5 Hash :- 8d60b10760b4318ab51084a849f20e6d
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